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Viburcol®N Suppositories


Proposed for use in infants and children in conditions of restlessness with or without fever; symptomatic treatment of common infections.



The usual dose is: Remove suppository from plastic foil. In acute disorders, insert one suppository rectally and repeat on several occasions; after alleviation of symptoms, insert one suppository 2-3 times daily. For infants (from the first day of life) up to six months of age, do not use more than one suppository twice daily


Each suppository contains: The active substances are: Chamomilla recutita D1 1,100 mg, Atropa belladonna D2 1,100 mg, Plantago major D3 1,100 mg, Pulsatilla pratensis D2 2,200 mg, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni D8 4,400 mg.The other ingredient is: Hard fat.


This unregistered medicine has not been evaluated by the SAHPRA for its quality, safety or intended use.


Restlessness and Irritability in children

From day of birth

Symptomatic treatment of common infections

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